Thursday, July 28, 2011

Email Notifications . . .

Hi all.

So, I thought I could have you all notified any time someone posted to the blog, but it turns out that I can only have a list of 10 people. I'm already listed, so that leaves 9 spots. I'll take 5 from the bigger class and 4 from the smaller one.

Those people can, if they so wish, take on the responsibility of relaying the information to the Facebook group so that everyone is kept up to date about what's on the blog. Of course, you can always just log on and check for yourself...but at least this way, if you forget, someone can give you the heads-up on what's going on.

I won't see you tomorrow. I'll be being held captive at Uni.


Have a great class tomorrow and a cracking weekend.



Sunday, July 24, 2011

After the End...


Below is the link to Zbigniew Herbert's poem, 'Elegy of Fortinbras'.

Thought you might enjoy it.

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Simon McInerney

Friday, July 15, 2011

Tin Pot


As per Florence's note to you all on FB, I'll be at the Tin Pot cafe tomorrow at 5pm if anyone wants to come along for some Danish Discussions.

Corner Scotchmer & St George's Rd, Fitzroy North.

If I don't see you there, I'll see you Monday.


Simon McInerney

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hi, I stumbled across this today:

There's an interesting reference to Hamlet in the interview, where Gunn says,
"all young men are unhappy, that's why they identify with Hamlet".

I was wondering what you guys think of this idea. Is Hamlet so unhappy that he has become a poster boy for tortured adolescent and early-twenties males? (and possibly females, too - covering bases here! :-) )

Also, if you haven't seen the post below this one, check it out now!


Simon McInerney

Monday, July 11, 2011


Hi everybody!

Are the holidays magnificent? I hope so! Are you studying like mad, too? This I also hope!

So, would any or many or all of you like to meet up for a sort of roundtable Hamlet discussion this week?

We can pick a venue and get coffee and make it all very literary. Keen?

Let me know! (

All best wishes,
Simon :-)