Monday, February 1, 2010

Free Radicals- Alice Munro

"She sits in her usual ample armchair, with piles of books and unopened magazines around her. She sips cautiously from the mug of weak herb tea that is now her substitute for coffee. At one time she thought that she could not live without coffee, but it turned out that it is really the warm large mug she wants in her hands, that is the aid to thought or whatever it is she practices through the procession of hours, or of days."

Munro portrays Nita as a widow in denial. Nita receives phone calls from all her closest friends, checking up on her, and she quickly assures them she is "fine", and makes excuses to end the conversation. It's in this passage that Munro subtly indicates that Nita feels the need to have familiar things around her. It's her warm cup of tea that she has in her hands for comfort, and the books and magazines surrounding her for the feeling of familiarity.
We also learn that Nita keeps avoiding doing certain things, like cleaning her husband's study.
"that is the aid to thought or whatever it is she practices through the procession of hours, or of days."
This indicates that Nita has lost track of time. Days are passing her, and she has done nothing to help herself move on.

Munro certainly paints a picture with this passage. The description of Nita sitting in her armchair is detailed enough for us to imagine it very clearly.

Lauren & Georgia

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