Friday, February 11, 2011

Hello All,
I'm not sure if anyone checks this anymore but I thought it would be worth a try.
We seem to have been doing a lot of film-watching in the smaller lit class and not so much discussion...
What kind of things has the other class been talking about?
Does anyone have any ideas for the SAC discussion?



  1. Sunday!

    How good of you to post! Thanks!
    Ok, so it was important to get the film watched by both classes, since the focus for LWF is going to be similar if not the same as that for RICHARD III - Examine how meaning changes when the text changes...or something like that. Therefore, since everybody had (diligently) read the text, the next step was the film.

    So now that you've watched the film, you need to begin to focus on directorial decisions within that medium and how they remain faithful to / stray from the original authorial intent, as perceived by you the reader. Make sense?

    In terms of the text - think about how Wilde makes use of Symmetry (He's almost obsessed with it, no?) He uses it in terms of the subject matter of the paradoxical statements his characters come out with, the words within those statements and the positioning of those statements within the structure of the play. There are more binary oppositions than you can shake a fan(?) at. Light and Dark, Good and Bad, Inside Society and Outside Society (No coincidence that the heated discussions between Darlington and Lady W (regarding his desire that she flee with him) and between Lord W and Mrs Erlynn(e?) (regarding her blackmailing of him for an annuity) occur on the balcony/terrace - OUTSIDE of where the rest of 'Society' has gathered.

    I'll hopefully be in for a bit of your class on Friday. They're making us come in to Uni from 1pm - 3pm on Friday. Boo.

    Any Q's - Leave 'em here or email me. I'll do my best to get back to you pronto.

    Also, nice photo!

    Anyone else reading this? Contribute!!!

    See you Friday.

  2. I think you're onto something there, Sunday, and now we've all finished the Practice SAC it's probably the best time to review what works and what doesn't in terms of the essay.
    The biggest change, for me, was that the BBC production is no longer set in a Proscenium Arch, and that the lines of power, control and tension between the characters in terms of the placement on stage is no longer so clearly represented. Instead, we are given close-ups and small details of people's reactions (which may go unnoticed, or be overly dramatic, on stage).
    Anybody else want to share a few ideas?



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