Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ode to sleep

OH great relief!
To sink into these sheets
All pastel green;
To lie unseen,
And sunken
Like a dying leaf.

By Sunday.


  1. Attempted a rhyming couplet and ended up breaking the lines due to rhythm when said aloud. The result is a funny little poem I classified an 'Ode', partly inspired by a book called 'Odes to common household things' and partly inspired by my bed. Hope you like it, tell me what you think.

  2. You wrote this? It's really great! I love it. :) The dying leaf simile is a bit confusing...but in a good way, i like it.

  3. I'm not sure who you are (?), but thankyou :)
    P.s. Whoever you are, have you never felt like a dying leaf before?

  4. Sunday! It's a beautiful poem. I particularly like the repetition of sink (in its varied tense). The dying leaf works well as a simile - it's in a suspended state because of your poem. What I mean by that is that you have frozen its dying moment in time. It makes it all the more poignant.

    I'm in a seminar right now. Gotta go


  5. Thanks Simon. The intended affect of the line "like a dying leaf" was to capture - or 'suspend' in time- the process of disintergration, (as you said). Also though to convey the image of "sinking" down and becoming one with other matter.


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