Sunday, September 5, 2010

She felt that their love would pulsate with strain,
Like two sun-soaked bricks left out in the rain

thought i'd try out a rhyming couplet/iambic pentametre thang....
hope twas ok


1 comment:

  1. Dom!

    I love these lines. The meter is a bit off (iambic is 5 beats per line) but it works as an off-kilter rhythm that draws attention to the imagery. As I mentioned after class, I LOVE bricks, and your image of sun-soaked bricks left out in the rain is a very effective and evocative one. I don't know about other people, but I love the slightly coppery smell (almost a taste) that comes from sun-baked bricks having been rained on. I had some misgivings about the word 'pulsate' - I worried it might be a little heavy-handed...what do you think? Is it part of a larger work or does it stand alone?

    Definite promise in these two lines. Nice work!



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