Monday, July 19, 2010

Tuesday (20/07/10)

Hi all.

Came across this in The Age today. It may be of interest to some of you - despite our having moved past Richard III. The psychology of evil is an important theme in all literature, particularly when looking at the neutral, unemotional method of dealing with morality which some authors employ in the short story.

Here's the link

In tomorrow's class we're going to work on some writing. You've all contributed impressively to class discussions, however we need to do some serious work on transferring those ideas and opinions to paper.

To clarify the point made about selection of texts for the SAC, we'll be doing about 5 authors (a few stories each). You can then pick an author to do the SAC on and we'll supply extracts from each author's work. Make sense? Hope so.

See you tomorrow arvo.


Ps. Want to add a picture to this post? Do!
P.p.s - Photo added by Isabelle, taken by Sally-Anne J.

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