Thursday, July 8, 2010

Welcome Year 11 Lit.

Hi all.

This is a welcome post. Welcome.

We'll hopefully use this blog to share links, ideas, stories and essays throughout the rest of the year. I'll be giving you all the email address and password to access it.

You'll have to put your name to any posts you make. Any posts without names get wiped.

Everybody has access. People may comment on each other's posts, links, essays, etc . . . Please keep the comments clean and constructive. Any negative rubbish gets wiped.

Feel free to post photos and videos, too. Same rules apply.

There is a section for links and a section for literary quotes. You can add to these areas, too.

I'm not sure how it'll all pan out . . . but you're all pretty great, so I expect something good will come of it.

Keep reading.



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