Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thursday (15/07/10)

Hey hey!

So, on Thursday we're going to be going through the stories many of you have written. Barry & I will be available for one-on-one discussion/analysis of your work throughout the double period.

The rest of the class will be reading short stories and discussing them much in the same way as was done on Tuesday - except with a bit more structure and most probably an introduction to / reading of the stories by myself or Barry. There will also be an opportunity to use the blog in class. And . . . we'll leave plenty of time for discussion and a Q&A session toward the end. Busy busy!

If anybody has any questions - email me.

If anybody has any thoughts about the stories you read in class on Tuesday, feel free to post them to the blog. Remember to sign off with your first name so I know who you are. I'll get around to organising the posts into sections for each story, once we have some actual posts.


Simon :-)

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