Monday, March 21, 2011

Chapter 12 by Sophia!

Hey hey, this is Sophia with chapter 12 for any of you who are checking the blog. Chapter 12 basically consists of Davy settling into his married life with Helen. Some of the quotes I have so far are pretty long, so if anyone has better/shorter ones please comment :) Also feel free to share your opinion on any of them.

pg. 250 in the larger book: "They were impressed by my new surroundings, yes, there was no doubt about that - Helen set out, I have thought since, to impress people rather than please them"

pg. 242 in the larger book: "With Helen, there was to be no commingling of the old life and the new. There was, I believe, a certain forceful integrity about her determination never to return to the surroundings of her past in that she set herself just as obstinately against her own family and background as she did mine." - (I think this further relates to the insightful discussion Dom bought up in class today about Davy leaving his family somewhat in the gutter, and looking down upon them)

pg. 245 in the larger book: "I am also admiring it," He said. "Brand-new house, quests guzzling a feast lavish enough for Lucullus himself, a gorgeous wife, this faultless decor - even including a not all commonly appreciated Vlaminck - these prismatic pickled onions, a glittery little bawd of an MG parked out there in the drive next to that sad broken butter-box Baby Austin which is the best the poor old Turleys can ever run to. Great stuff, Golden Boy! Great Stuff!" - (I'm pretty sure this is quoted by Gavin Turley)

A few lines down from that: "The smell of success he carries with him like an aura, that indefiable air of the coming man. Golden Boy, of course. With no shadow of a doubt."

pg. 249 in the larger book: "We may respect him, admire him, even be intrigued and puzzled by some mysterious fallibility that is in him... it may be this, you know, that makes us not envy him... but I'll tell you one thing you should know and always remember, Helen. There is no guarantee in him, my dear. There is no guarantee."

At some point, also, on pg. 259 Davy was described as "flashy unreliable brilliance." Anyone have ideas about this?

pg. 261 in the larger book: "You have no guarantee, David. And I have. Simply that. After all, what is guarantee? An insurance policy, a doctor's diploma, a fixed superannuation, a certificate issued under Pur Foods Act. Security."

And on the last page of the chapter: "You have neither the desire for this, nor the credentials with which to accomplish it. In a way, David, you are like some queer, strange savage who has journeyed a long way from his own tangled wilderness, and you look down on the palisades of the little settlement, and you wonder how you will pillage it and what trophies you will find."

Ok, so I hope at least some of those quotes are of help, or at least some parts of them.
Please do comment if you have anything to add or opinions to express! :)

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