Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chapter 16 (hester)

Sorry gang,
i hope it's not too late to contribute something.

hereee we go!

here is something about david's isolation and stuff
( i have the newer book)

"I stayed in New Guinea, on and off, for about a year longer, evading or avoiding when i could.." p319

Here is some commenting on david's worldly success. i think it's fairly important. and worth noting that he distances himself from it by speaking of himself in 3rd person.

".. but victory did come out of it- and so did a greatly enhanced reputation for David Meredith."
there is a little more there too .. p319

"If you are given the privilege of having your name in the papers everyday, and on your own terms, deception and self-aggrandizement are easy arts to practice" p320

what a successful chap!

"through all these experiences i could feel my own growth, a development, a new sophistication , so that the casual conquests were never difficult"


“Still, in your case brains have proved more than brawn, haven’t they?”

Here is some Jack stuff.
" ' and i cant bear it, Davie! I can't bear to see him ashamed! Jack! ...'"

this is the chapter where we really see how the tables have turned. Jack now cant fight his own battles. Davie is the success.

that quote is said by sheila on p323

Here is just a little context. about the war time..

"we only give the privilege of dying to the physically fit, Mr Meredith"

Here is an indication of jack's enthusiasm
" i had to turn to meet his eyes. They were shining"

Jack's loyalty- highly regarded by davie

“In fact nothing would please me more than if my nipper Jack turned out as good a man, and as brainy a one, as his uncle Davie.”

Hope that's of use :)

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