Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Marksheet for SAC 2

SAC Advice Part 1

This slightly artificial division of the criteria into marks out of 40 gives you a guide as to the proportionate weight given to different factors in the assessment. In practice, you will be fulfilling several, or all, of these criteria simultaneously in a good answer. They can serve as a guide or a checklist if you say, 'Have I demonstrated (or provided) ............... (insert criterion) in my essay?'

Literature Unit 3
SAC 2 My Brother Jack

Understanding of the context/s in which the text was set or created.[ 4 marks]

Analysis of the ways in which views and values are suggested by what the text endorses, challenges or leaves unquestioned. [10 marks]

Understanding of the ways in which the text provides a critique of human behaviour or aspects of society and/or of the ways in which readers in a different cultural context may arrive at different interpretations. [8 marks]

Ability to justify an interpretation through close attention to, selection and use of significant textual detail.[10 marks]

Expressive, coherent and fluent development of ideas.[8 marks]

More advice soon.

Oh, yes you will get a choice of two prompts in the real SAC. Thanks for the question, Mara.


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