Monday, March 21, 2011

My Brother Jack Chapter 8

Jack has just left to work in the country and Davy has moved back in with his parents. Davy's job as a journalist is going really well and he's starting to feel more comfortable until he reads in a newspaper that Sam's girlfriend Jess has been murdered and Sam is the main suspect. He follows the case really closely and is worried he might be implicated. He receives a letter from Jack talking about Sam and Jack's new girlfriend Sheila. Sam is acquitted and Davy goes to see him, but Sam has changed a lot.

Quotes (page numbers in Harper edition):

"So it was in that curious time that stands exactly midway between two wars. The world was so sure of itself then." p. 117
- parallels Davy's experience with Jess' murder. He was starting to be sure of himself and then his world got turned upside down.

"It was not at this point....moral corruption began." p.125
-blames outside factors rather than himself for his failures
-only thinks how Jess' murder affects him, not particularly upset that she is dead

"Well what could I tell them.....thing like that to her." p.137
-was not so assertive with police, was very afraid
-creating his own image of himself, the person he wants to be but isn't

"Anyway I know.....sincere feelings in the matter." p.140
-contrast between brothers
-Jack assumes Davy would do what he would do


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