Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Topics for SAC

Here are the prompts for Friday's SAC. (Yes, there are three)

SAC prompts for Outcome 2 Views and Values
Outcome 2
Analyse, interpret and evaluate the views and values of a text in terms of the ideas, social conventions and beliefs that the text appears to endorse, challenge or leave unquestioned.

Choose ONE of the three topics and write an essay of 800 words or more in response.

1.'' David's experiences of outward success but inner failure warp the view of life he gives us in 'My Brother Jack'."

Is this the way you read the novel?

2. "A distaste for roughness and mediocrity is an integral part of Davy's make-up. We witness the instinctive reactions of childhood as well as the considered prejudices of his adult perspectives."


3. "This is a sad, even tragic novel."

Do you agree?

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